What We Do

We believe true learning involves far more than providing standards-based content and traditional methods of instruction. Creating the conditions that foster student engagement, cultural expression and social and emotional development remain the areas needing the greatest improvement to help students achieve their potential in rigorous Math and Science courses.

We provide specialized trainings to assist districts and schools in developing mindsets and pedagogy that create active learning experiences and foster student engagement. This includes effective, culturally responsive instruction for in-person and hybrid learning environments.
We work with school leaders and teachers to find solutions to the challenges they are facing, by using solution-focused professional development, consulting and coaching. We have research-based tools and strategies that help them achieve desired outcomes

STEMULATE SOLUTIONS works with schools in designing formalized training that enhances the quality of culturally relevant learning experiences for students. Grounded in Harvard’s PELP Framework, we focus on the pedagogy of teachers, activity of students and diversity and rigor of the content. These elements are encapsulated through our Ethnomathematics approach to teaching and learning.
We support school leaders, teachers, and your learning community in integrating SEL into all lesson plans and activities. We believe SEL is not something you 'add' to a class, but that its an essential component of the learning experience that
provides mental and emotional safety, allowing the brain to make itself accessible to instruction and learning.
Pedagogy and content should provide opportunities through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

"In the midst of the pandemic, Stemulate led our summer youth math program where they trained our staff while teaching math online to our underserved middle school students in Pasadena, CA. This is the best math experience we've had in over 7 years and can't believe it happened online. The facilitator was engaging, insightful and communicated with the students in their language. The students had an incredible learning experience and our staff grew exponentially in their understanding of how to engage students in an online class. In the 5 week program, students post assessments revealed that 65% of the students scored 80% or better; a dramatic improvement over previous years."
Eric Johnson
Stars Program
Director of Partnerships & Collaborations
“Stemulate taught our KINGS-VIPS program at UCLA online this summer. The facilitators were able to connect with our cohort of 9th grade Black boys, many of whom have struggled in math or had a fear of the subject. Stemulate's pedagogy and methodology built students' self-esteem and confidence in math, and with math. I highly recommend the program and I'm excited about Stemulate using its expertise to train other teachers serving communities of color."
Tr'Vel Lyons
KINGS VIPS, Program Director
"Stemulate was a top presenter in our webinar series "Advancing Equity in an Era of Crisis". Their series on Equity in Online Teaching was pivotal in providing teachers throughout California with tangible and practical strategies to maintain the rigor of their courses while serving the social emotional needs students have during these difficult times. We are proud to support the work they are doing as we look to support teachers, students and families during the transition to a new normal' in education."
Dwight Bonds
California Association of African American
Superintendents and Administrators (CAAASA)
Executive Director
I'm always encouraged and inspired by Stemulate's commitment to creating maximum impact for teachers and students of color. As the world shifts to remote learning, we as educators must look at the systemic flaws that exist and create new systems and modes of learning to meet the needs of 21st century students. I'm excited about the possibilities of this program and will continue to advise Stemulate and its team along the way."
Dr. Houman Harouni
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Co-Founder of Leadership Lab International